Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Teach for America Application Process 2015-2016

- Applied for October 31st deadline (the 3rd deadline of the year)
- Invited to Phone Interview the following week 
- Phone Interview (November 10th)
I really thought I bombed it because I was unprepared for many of the questions I was asked. Although I actually googled what questions might come up and had all my answers written and memorized, only a couple of them were asked and most were about a random experience on my resume. I babbled a lot and my voice became very high pitched because I was caught off-guard. Needless to say, I was very,very disappointed in my phone interview and thought I failed. I also read somewhere that 50% of applicants don’t pass the phone interview so I assumed I was part of that sad 50% who got dropped. BUT to my surprise, I was moved onto the final round!!!!!!! I guess I did answer the questions correctly and my genuine passion in teaching in low-income communities actually showed! 

On a side note: My interview lasted exactly 40 minutes which included me asking a question in the end and her answering it for a couple minutes. My interviewer was also sick so she kept coughing in the middle of my answers which got me a little irritated because I didn’t know if I should stop or keep going. Kept ruining my train of thought..Other applicants commented how they really connected with their interviewer but mine just did her job with no fluff or laughs. Oh well..at least I passed :)

- sent in recommendation requests
- completed online activity 
(Part 1 is timed and Part 2 is untimed but they said applicants typically only spend a couple minutes on each questions. I spent 2 days…lol they were scenario questions and I wanted to make sure I answered them error-free. I know they look at your application holistically so I wanted to make sure this didn’t drag me down.)
- signed up for Final Interview 
- uploaded required documents like official transcripts
- submitted my location and subject area preferences
- read all the pre-work essays, poems, and video
- FINAL INTERVIEW (December 4th)